Making Home Speech Therapy Fun A case study in assistive games design
This paper details and evaluates the process used to create an iOS game to motivate children who have had reparative surgery for cleft lip or cleft palate and who are subsequently participating in speech therapy to do their home therapy exercises. Keywords—cleft palate; assistive games; speech therapy I. A NOTE ON CITATION In the interest of completion in the time allotted, sources are often not cited. Instead, the most important ones have been listed at the end. Thus, uncited ideas are not necessarily original to the authors.
منابع مشابه
Playful Probing: Making Probing More Fun
We present a methodological variation of cultural probing called playful probing. In playful probing games are developed according to the area investigated, to enhance participants’ involvement in the studies. The games are used as additional probing material and enhance participants’ involvement. Based on an experimental case study with 40 households participating in a ethnographic study on ne...
متن کاملWhat Do Stroke Patients Look for in Game-Based Rehabilitation
Stroke is one of the most common causes of physical disability, and early, intensive, and repetitive rehabilitation exercises are crucial to the recovery of stroke survivors. Unfortunately, research shows that only one third of stroke patients actually perform recommended exercises at home, because of the repetitive and mundane nature of conventional rehabilitation exercises. Thus, to motivate ...
متن کاملCan Constraint Induced Movement Therapy Improve In-Hand Manipulation Skills: A Single Subject Design
Objectives: This study describes a single subject design (ABA) that shows the effective use of constraint induced movement therapy in improvement of quality and performance of in-hand manipulation skills for a 10 year old boy and a 9 years old girl with hemiplegic cerebral palsy, as Dickerson (2007) showed it in arm movement and function. Methods: To determine the effectiveness of CIMT by th...
متن کاملEffectiveness of the Westmead therapeutic method on preschool children with stuttering
Introduction: It has been well established that early intervention programs for preschool children are both effective for decreasing the potential problems in adulthood and also for preventing from chronic stuttering. Syllable-time speech therapeutic method is considered as an effective method in these children. The present study investigated the effectiveness of the Westmead therapeutic method...
متن کاملWhy Not Have Fun While Learning: Using Programming Games in Software Programming Education
In this research, we examine how computer-based programming games and contests could be used in the information technology education to increase the learning effectiveness for learners. We conduct a field study in a unique community of software developers who participated in IBM Robocode game. In our field study, we address the following research questions: (1) how do computer-based games influ...
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